Premium Pack

Get multiple Premium Extensions for a discounted price.

Automate your Layers, Comps and Render Queue with the Premium Extensions:

Master Comps, Render Queuer and Layer Boss.

Includes these extensions:


Master Comps

Allows you to create dozens of comps with a single click, based on an original Master. It can automatically replace the clip, adjust the length of the comp, apply the effects and even can resize your clips to fit.

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Render Queuer

Automatically fills the Render Queue with the correct settings, including file location and format settings.

You make presets to always send render to a specific folder, or a folder relative to the AE project file. Render Queuer can even detect the next version number based on the files that are already rendered.

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Layer Boss

Modify hundreds of layers with a single click. For example:

  • Turn on or off audio in all the layers in a specific comp
  • Make all the layers with ‘LUT’ in the name into guide layers
  • Turn off all the Text layers in a specific comp and all its precomps (great for doing textless versions)

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